The MGI Webinar Series
Climate change adaption requires a flexible, innovative, and responsive urban system. On this basis, the Morgenstadt Global Smart Cities Initiative (MGI) is hosting a series of webinars. Hence, the topics are derived from the research conducted in the City Labs of the pilot cities Kochi (India), Saltillo (Mexico) and Piura (Peru).
Consequently, the webinar series aims to bring together administrations, academia, and economy to facilitate knowledge exchange in the field of climate change mitigation and climate change impact adaptation. The goal is thus to advance sustainable urban development for adaptive and resilient cities on a global scale.
In October 2022, the sixth and last webinar of the series took place. The presentation slides of each webinar can be downloaded in the archieve below.

Webinar Archive

- Download Presentations
- Link to report

- 14th of October 2022, 15:00-17:00 CEST.
- To the webinar report.
- Download the presentation slides in English.