Saltillo Pilot Project offers Solutions to Floodings and Heat

The 20th of June, the pilot project in Saltillo was inaugurated by the city major, José María Fraustro. The City Lab Team presented their work. The newly implemented park offers solutions to climate challenges like floodings, biodiversity loss and heat. Political representatives and residents of the neighborhood also assisted to the inauguration ceremony.
Within the scope of the Morgenstadt Initiative, our City Lab team conceptualized and implemented a public plaza with nature-based solutions and Blue Green Infrastructure in the Las Brisas neighborhood. The intervention transformed a commonly flooded area in a green space adapted to the challenges of climate change and the wishes of the people living in the neighborhood.
The square is designed to collect rainwater and run-off through rain gardens and infiltration basins. With these measures, the water that regularely floods the surrounding streets and houses during raining season is now collected in the square.
The design also incorporated the trees planted by the neighbors during the previous year, creating a meeting place sheltered from the heat. In this order of ideas, plants suitable for the arid climate of the city were included in the design to create pollinator gardens and promote biodiversity in the square.
Curious about the whole project process? – Take a look at this project summary video by our implementation partner IMPLAN Saltillo in Spanish!

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