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How to Start a Rooftop Garden in 4 Steps

A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting your own rooftop garden is not so difficult! All you need is some patience and consideration for the basic conditions. The team of the City Lab Kochi of MGI has summarized all the information you need to build your own rooftop garden in a step-by-step guide.

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What is a rooftop garden?

As the name suggests, a rooftop garden is a garden planted on the roof of a building. Besides the decorative effect of a green roof, you can benefit from cultivating fruit and vegetables for your own consumption. Besides, rooftop gardens cool down the temperature of the area and absorb rainwater. This is especially important for cities affected by heat islands, temperature increase and floodings due to heavy rainfalls. Depending on the flowers planted, wildlife habitat is provided, and biodiversity is preserved, for example the bee population. You will find more details in the guide.

What to consider planting a rooftop garden?

Before starting your rooftop garden, you will need to consider a couple of aspects to make sure the roof is adapted to the additional weight and water drain. When choosing the plants, climate conditions like sunlight and rainfalls need to be considered. Mor information in the guide.

What to expect from the guide?

The guide provides all necessary information to start and additional tips. These are the contents you will find in the Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Benefits of a rooftop garden
  • What to consider before planting a rooftop garden?
  • Water and light conditions for successful rooftop gardening
  • How to choose the plants for rooftop gardening?
  • How to fertilize the plants of your rooftop garden or balcony?
  • How to water the plants of your rooftop garden or balcony?
  • Which plants are good for vertical gardening, for shades, and for medicinal use?
  • How to make compost yourself and smell free?

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