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Climate Risk and Resilience in the Global Context

new report from MGI

Climate Risk and Resilience in the Global Context


Authors: Sophie Mok, Catalina Díaz, Trinidad Fernández, Amruta Jayawant, Julio Millán

Year: 2023

Title: Climate Risk and Resilience in the Global Context. Insights from the Morgenstadt Global Smart Cities Initiative.

Editor: Fraunhofer IAO Institute for Industrial Engineering

Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.24406/publica-589

Key words : Climate Change, Climate Resilience, Sustainabe Urban Development, Climate Change Adaption, Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change bears many challenges for our cities. The ability to develop local solutions and strategies is therefore key to adapt cities to the impacts of climate change and develop resilience.

The latest publication of MGI Climate Risk and Resilience in the Global Context. Insights from the Morgenstadt Global Smart Cities Initiative gives guidance on how policy makers, scholars, practitioners, and citizens can develop locally tailored solutions and adaptation strategies based on an assessment of risks and vulnerabilities in the context of climate change.

With best practices examples from the MGI pilot cities (Piura, Kochi, Saltillo), the report introduces a replicable methodology to better understand climate-related risks and vulnerabilities and increase resilience to the respective impact. Also, it provides insights into various projects in middle- and low-income countries which have sought to integrate the objectives of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030 when tackling climate change issues.

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