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Dr. Laura Wendling

VITA Dr. Laura Wendling is Research Leader at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in Epsoo. She leads investigations on nature-based solutions to climate change. She is passionate about adressing the knowledge gap between society, politics and science regarding the issue of solutions to climate change. Laura Wendling speaks out for cross-sectoral solutions to climate change, including social, technological, digital, economic, politic, and environmental aspects. NETZWORKS
Speaker in the MGI Webinar “Nature-Based Solutions and Climate Resilience”, presenting the topic “Measuring the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions”.
Foto von Laura Wendling


Research Team Leader, Nature-Based Solutions


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland




“Climate smart cities take a systems approach to addressing both climate mitigation and adaptation, seeking to understand connections and interdependencies within the urban social-ecological-technical-economic-political ecosystem.”